Youth Prevention Education Programs
Community outreach is essential in creating a safety net in our community and important in preventing future violence. Oasis offers specialized educational presentations, free of charge, to schools or any youth-oriented groups.
The violence prevention lessons can be delivered in a variety of session lengths and at various locations, including schools, youth organizations and after-school programs. To schedule a program, please contact Oasis at 337-436-4552.
Hands are Not for Hitting is targeted to elementary age children. This program focuses on appropriate ways to use your hands in positive ways and offers alternatives to hitting as a method of anger management. As part of the program, children take a pledge to not use their hands for hitting.
Be A Buddy Not A Bully is targeted to elementary age children. This program teaches what to do when they see bullying or are bullied. Its delivers a message of tolerance and kindness in a fun, accessible format that is easily grasped by young students. As part of the program, children take a pledge to be a buddy and not a bully.
Love Does Not Hurt is a program, for teens 12-17 to learn about healthy relationships in a safe, relaxed atmosphere featuring games, skits and role playing. This program provides information about youth dating violence, warning signs of controlling relationships, safe strategies for dealing with dating violence, dynamics of a healthy relationship and resources for safety and assistance.
Care*Ageous Kids is an evidenced-based primary prevention curriculum for elementary age students. Topics include: Bully free schools, healthy boundaries, respectful friendships & safety on the internet.
T.R.U.S.T. (Teaching Respect, Understanding, Safety and Tolerance) is an evidenced based primary prevention curriculum for students in grades 6th through 8th. Topics include: empathy, communication, No bullying, cyberbullying & healthy relationships.
Upstanders is an evidenced-informed bystander intervention curriculum. The focus is on the prevention of violence suitable for high school aged students. Topics include: communication skills, healthy relationships, & bystander intervention.
Safe Dates is a nine-session program that deals with attitudes and behaviors associated with dating abuse and violence. The curriculum is suitable for upper middle school and high school ages; it can be presented over a period of days or week depending on the school’s schedule.