All conference sessions have been approved for general hours of Social Work CEUs

Oasis A Safe Haven will be presenting Safety, Justice, and Healing in Southwest Louisiana

Join fellow professionals from our community and beyond for Safety, Justice and Healing in Southwest Louisiana!

We are coming together to expand and enhance knowledge concerning the aspects of prevention, safety, justice, support and healing for domestic and sexual violence victims.

This conference would not be possible without the sponsorship of Phillips 66 and L’auberge Casino Resort. The conference’s target audience will be social workers, social service providers, teachers, law enforcement and employers in Southwest Louisiana. There will be several speakers with a variety of expertise. Everyone who attends will take away something.

Method of Payment:
Check / Money Order
Please mail checks made payable to
Oasis A Safe Haven to:
P.O. Box 276
Lake Charles, La 70602

Hotel Information:
Be sure to make your hotel reservations at
L’Auberge Casino Resort by September 16, 2019.
Call 866-580-7444
And use code: SZOAS19 for a special rate.


Oasis A Safe Haven may on occasion take photographs
and / or videos of its program participants for use in
print materials or by electronic methods.
Your registration for Oasis A Safe Haven events
grants permission for Oasis A Safe Haven
to use these photographs and / or videos in
its marketing and public relations efforts.

  • Safety Justice and Healing Conference 2019
    October 8, 2019
    8:00 am - 4:00 pm


777 Ave L'Auberge, Lake Charles, Louisiana, 70601